We prepare all tax returns no matter where you live. 30% of our clients
live outside of the St. Louis Metropolitan Area, including overseas.

Hours of Operation

January – April 15:

Mondays – Thursdays: 9:00am – 5:00pm CST
After 5:00 pm evening hours are available by appointment only
Fridays and Saturdays: 9:00am-4:00pm CST
Closed on Sundays

Off-Season Hours: April 16 - December 31

TTS Consulting, a tax preparation service, is open  Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 – 4:00, or by scheduling an evening appointment time.  Dropping in after 4:00 will not be available.

All messages will be responded to at that time.  If you have received a letter from the IRS or other state/local tax agencies, please either mail or email a copy of that letter so that we may respond to the issues as soon as possible.

Vacation Closures:

April 16-24
May 8-22
July 3-24
October 16-November 4
November 22-27
December 20-January 6, 2024

If you have received a notice from the IRS/State/City, please be sure to call the number listed on the letter and request a 30-day extension to respond.  Then be sure to send the letter to our office so that we may take care of it when we return.

For those who wish to send us your documents, you may:


• email your documents to your Preparer,


ground mail your tax documents to our office,


• drop off your documents in our locked mailbox at the street,


• use our portal.  Simply call the office, request a portal connection (which requires your email address) and we will walk you through that process.

Once we have your documents, your Preparer will complete your return and then set up a time to review the return over the phone.  For many of you who do not live in the area, this is your common practice working with us.